Samsung will be launching its new 8MP Pixon M8800L Smartphone to the US markets as per rumours. This Smartphone will reveal to AT&T carrier, but not to T-Mobile customers. We also knew that Sony Ericsson C905a with its 8MP camera phone will hit US very soon. This Smartphone specification which include:
- 107.9×54.6×14.9mm, 110 g
- 3.2-inch touch screen display (240 x 400 pixels)
- 8 megapixel camera
- Auto focus
- face recognition with smile detection and blink detection
- WDR (wide dynamic range)
- ASR (advanced shake reduction)
- GPS geotagging
- ISO 1600
- WVGA (720×480 pixels)
- VGA (640 x 480 pixels) @30fps video recording
- Built-in GPS receiver
- Accelerometer
- DivX playback
- FM radio with RDS
- microSD card slot
- Bluetooth
- Landscape virtual QWERTY keyboard
- Handwriting recognition
- Office document